Human-caused global warming, principally due to greenhouse gas emissions related to unsustainable lifestyles, consumption and production patterns, unsustainable energy and land use and land-use change, have unequivocally led to widespread environmental changes affecting the biosphere, and causing many weather and climate extremes in every region of the globe, with adverse impacts and related losses and damages to ecosystems and people. Further global warming will intensify hazards, whereas a rapid, and sustained back up could still lead to a mitigation and limitation of the impacts thus avoiding a climate catastrophe.

- Reduction of energy use, of CO2 emission, of agricultural emissions, of waste production and of the use of embodied energy.
- Rapid increase in the use of renewable resources in place of fossil fuels, aiming at reaching the climatic neutrality by 2040.
- Adoption of resilient measures to answer the unavoidable effects of the climate change and of financial aids to support all the social layers with the costs related to the transition.