Though transports contribute significantly to businesses and supply chains, mobility is among the major sources of energy-related CO₂ emissions worldwide, making a decarbonization of this sector and its orientation towards sustainable solutions sorely needed. The United Nations have defined sustainable transport as “the provision of services and infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods— advancing economic and social development to benefit today’s and future generations—in a manner that is safe, affordable, accessible, efficient, and resilient, while minimizing carbon and other emissions and environmental impact.” A smart and sustainable mobility system planning promotes comprehensive and intermodal mobility adapted to people’s needs, focusing non solely on local public transport, but also bicycle mobility, mobility management in sensitive areas, parking management and freight transport.

- Reduction of combustion engine vehicles and increase of emission-free ones, especially in the freight sector.
- Reduction of motorized individual traffic, including touristic one, and with an accent on urban centers, by dissuasive access regulations, by promoting smart working and by enhancing public transport services.
- Modal shift from road to rail freight also through further implementation of the railway network.