The Natural Science Museum of South Tyrol, part of the “Provincial Museums of South Tyrol”, is a fundamental institution for education and culture and the collector of natural valuable findings, materials and data coming from the entire provincial territory and the alpine region. This scientific knowledge is not only collected but also documented and made available to the public through permanent and temporary exhibitions and events and also disseminated through meetings and publications in order to make it available for applied nature protection actions. The research activity of the South Tyrol Museum of Natural Science in the field of geosciences, botany and zoology aims to classify the naturalistic inventory of South Tyrol and to continuously improve this knowledge. The scientific sections of the Museum also maintain an intense exchange of technical knowledge with regional and extra-regional research institutions and museums operating in similar fields. Being committed for sustainable environmental development, a task of the Natural Science Museum of South Tyrol, is also that of arising ecological awareness through close collaboration with schools and other public and private institutions.