Landscape and Environment

As a territory is not only the geographical basis of a sustainable development but also the frame for the sociocultural dimension of an area, the principles inspiring spatial and landscape management and planning should be based on environmental preservation and territorial cohesion with the aim of saving non-renewable resources and cultural values and of improving the quality of life of present and future society. Indeed, a sustainable landscape is responsive to the environment and is re-generative, and it can actively contribute to the development of healthy communities creating value through significant economic, social, and environmental benefits. Particular attention is therefore due to: land consumption, territories resilience to climate change, a correct allocation of resources, the planning of infrastructure networks, the preservation of local specificities and the protection of biodiversity.


  • Planning of sustainable cities and communities through affordable housing solutions and good public spaces organization.
  • Biodiversity, woodland, soil and water sustainable management pursued through resources valorization, natural habitat connections, soil unsealing and streams renaturalization, and also by orienting subsidies more and more towards environmental interventions.
  • Support to local sustainable farming by resilient and sustainable agricultural practices and through the preservation of family farms and their agro-food products and premium products by also ensuring their social and economic sustainability through secure and fair incomes.